Go therefore

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I will invest in that, because it was loved...

 I will invest in that, because it was loved...

I just want to add this note because something someone said really makes more than sense to me. It was someone wanting to invest in property. Saw many options..but chose the not the first or the third..but the second one to dump RM1 Million into. The person's statement really had me thinking. This person chose the 2nd option, because...that property was "loved by the owners".

This got me thinking about the word Passion. This is not some exhaustive research or study done..but just by observation and opinion. Why do people love Ferraris ? Is it because of its price and the status it gives to the owner ? Or is it the passion that goes into building Ferraris that it carries the name of the founder. Why some other car companies are describe as building washing machines and dish washers on wheels..is it because they are just that..appliances on wheels.

Its the same for food. Passion of the chefs can be experienced in the food itself. From the quality of ingredients, to the care put into preparation, timing, controlling of temperatures and oh before all the the training gone into the person. Or has it got to do with the person's heart (his thoughts and feelings).

All in all, a successful person is one that wants to succeed and will discard dead works, dead faiths, dead attitudes and begin to pay the price to achieve. All this comes by dying to self every single day...and the fruit of all their labour is the by product of their lives ! 

Isn't that who  God is. He took it upon Himself to step out of heaven, walk 33 years on earth. Knows that He is not here to reign as King but to walk this life as a suffering servant. Why ? because only His death and resurrection ..only through His pain, can we gain...He gave it all to share with us all that HE IS...You see, passionate people are never selfish..but most of the time what they do often is for the benefit of others.

The Lord leads us in Path of Righteousness for His name sake..because He not only gave us His name..He gave us Himself. We bear His image everywhere we go. Jesus is so proud of YOU. 

Now, this life that we live in Him,..where HE IS LORD..we are stewards..stewards are people who manages that which belongs to the master...What would you put your name on in this life ?

Don't live this life aimless and empty anymore. Break-IN to Breakthrough !

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