Go therefore

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why Hate what God Loves ?


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

When I first turn my life to Jesus, I grew up together with others in a Church and the teachings from the Bible. Sometimes, when people preach out of the Word and not from the Word, they tend to use scriptures to justify their conservatism or hang-ups even. This has produced Christians that are not like Christ...no longer accepting of people but judgmental, critical, arrogant believers that often thing by just telling people alot of words, would convince someone of their own faith.

In my on experience of being well meaning soul-winner, I've done all that. Talk as long as possible hoping to break into the toughness of the hearer's stubborness. I've even laid hands on people, and commanded heaven to act as I speak...Instead of winning people to Christ, it drives people away. Sometimes, God moves powerfully...but its never for my sake but its because God loves the hearer and wants to meet the needs. So humbling.

Unbelievers don't want to come to Christ because they think, it will be a restriction of their lifestyle as they think Christians are always against this or that. or they think they cannot honor their parents and the list goes on and on. Go figure ! Misrepresentation of the true nature of Christ !

How to win a soul then ? Stop hating the world...as there's nothing terribly wrong or evil that could cos God to fall off His throne in fits of anxiety !. If God would act like us, He would have placed a legion of angels to protect the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...heck ! He would have created eden, but placed man outside of it..because it was possible for man to do wrong ! But He did not. Even after sinned, God threw man out of Eden, but God never gave up on mankind. He was still in contact with Adam...but only not in person.

Christians must do life ! Love covers a multitude of sins right...So learn to listen more than talk. Who knows when you finally listen...the unbeliever may present to you the keys to unlock their hearts. Best of all, he gained your trust because you cared enough to give him your time to listen.

Hate sin yes...hate evil yes...but Love the World enough to want to redeem that which is precious...LIVES ! but don't you think, there's so much in the World, or what we called Common Grace of General Grace that the influence of God is in it ?...

Love the World..without being shaken !

YEAH ! lets Love God More, Love People More and Love Life More !


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