Go therefore

Friday, December 30, 2016

Seek First God's Kingdom

Seek First God's Kingdom
mt 6:33, john 15, psalms 23, romans 8:28

How you want 2017 to be will be determine by your priorities set going into 2017. In whatever situation, be it good or challenging where you stand in regards to His Kingdom that means your quiet time, tithing,going to Church, serving, or lets sum it up your relationship with Him must not shift. In everything however we being human will fail however we can always count on God's faithfulness and presence in our lives. 

God's Kingdom is all about coming home and making Jesus your refuge and where you dwell and draw life from. It is surely not about fulfilling your own goals but fulfilling His calling in your life. Not everyone is called into ministry but surely all are called to life in Him. Whatever your endeavour may be, whatever your possessions maybe, whatever is you..just like the little boy that gave his lunch (Mark 6:41) to Christ, GIVE it all back to God for His purpose.

You see we have hope. Hope is sure because it is rooted by Faith and our faith is sure because we know Him and are loved by Him. FAITH begins when He speaks to you. How does God speak? when you read the Bible, when a sermon is preached or any random situation somehow what has been said just 'jumps' at you. As Psalms 119:130 tells us, God's word ENTERS US..  As a Father pities his children, so does our Heavenly Father pities those that trust in Him  (Psalms 103:13). Take time to say to GOd, 'speak to me'.

Don't worry about the 'uncertainty' of things at the moment where many things seems like end of the road for many things in your life.. Psalms 23 tells us we are walking in the valley of "shadow of death"..no worries..God will guide you through it all. Stay close. God is pruning for growth. God is preparing each one of us for more of Him and definitely preparing Church for more ...much more. So things that are falling away, programs and methods that are no longer usable, even friendships that are caustic but falling apart..just let them go. God has much much better for you.

Three words for 2017 as found in John 15..and these is God's word of wisdom to us. And these wisdom are what we hear and do that is summed up by the scriptures we should meditate upon this whole year. John 15:8 guarantees us of definite fruitfulness. So how is God going to do it ? He needs our cooperation of course. Remember because all goodness is coming to us..however God is not limited by anything in doing good in and around us. 

So taken from John 15

1. Abide (John 15:40) - Stay in His Word...You see if God does nothing we are nothing. Apart from Him we are nothing..but in Him we shall become fruitful. 

2. Love (John 15:9-10) - He loves us so ...so much that He gave us His Son, gave us His Spirit ...gave us His word. No longer dwell in fear or intimidation. Do not think in such a way that you fear doing anything less it causes God to be angry and fail you. Nothing done in fear gains you anything. Know and remind yourself, how much He loved you. You are His beloved, deeply loved, highly favored and greatly blessed. You have nothing to fear. God Loves You.

3. We are appointed for good works, appointed to go and bear fruit (John 15:16) .

So there ...give it all back to God..and God will give You all of Him.

Edwin Koh
30/12/16 for 2017

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