Go therefore

Friday, December 14, 2012

Edwin Koh B.L. Ministries: Strengths In Your Weakness

Edwin Koh B.L. Ministries: Strengths In Your Weakness: Strengths in Your Weakness But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I w...

Strengths In Your Weakness

Strengths in Your Weakness

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 
(2 Cor 12:9)

As pioneering and pastoring a Church for awhile now, one of my challenges is employing people in the right roles and "jobs". My mistake has been in looking for the right person for the right roles or positions or jobs.

BIG MISTAKE. Why ?...God has caused me recently to be curious about the word "weakness" in the scripture above. Weakness to many is something that is just that...WEAKNESS. In this world where the strong survives, the champ wins, and the smart scores...weakness is shameful or must be hidden.

Take for example, when we write our resumes, curriculum vitae..we never state our weakness less we get rejected. We always state our strengths or lie about our abilities.

Worst is when people we think should fit the role, sometimes fail so terribly the moment they assume the role because what we assume should work and have to work...does not ! arrrgggghhh! right..have you been in such situations before ?

Recently, in asking God to show me what He mean by weaknesses ...this is what He showed me...

1. We are unique not by our strengths or our self deceived strengths...but by our "weakness". Or some would put it..this is my style !...Each one has different styles..it may look like weakness to others but that makes me tick.

2. Weakness is DEFINITELY NOT our carelessness or an excuse to NOT DO ANYTHING. God showed me something recently. Many people want to succeed and waiting for bigger "opportunities", however they fail to see the need "flip burgers" or do the necessary first. Flipping burgers or whatever "chore" is an opportunity and open door to the next one !. Carelessness or "boh-chap" attitudes must go. Because carelessness is disease to character and a clear signal that you are not ready for more..Capacity is all about attitudes. You see no one is perfect and will never be on this side of heaven. But each one of us are being molded and perfected in His image...if we are to wait till everyone is perfect, your organisation will not grow. It is attitudes (Christlike ones)..that will see us through. People who always look for shortcuts by passing responsibilities, or procrastinating in life..do not have capacity as assuming responsibilities and hard working is what progresses us. When you take short cuts in life...you are passing out on a lasting legacy.

3. Recently I asked someone whether he would like to consider teaching biblical lessons next year ...cos he strikes me to be someone that is more interested in the "knowledge" side of the Bible. The immediate response was common in most situations.. He liked to do it but schedules and timings.In the past, I would take that as a rejection..or argh..lets move on and never to return to that again..

But instead of being rigid about things, suddenly the wisdom came to me. So I suggested to him...how about when he is available and he has an interesting topic to teach...maybe we can do those 1 night or 3 night or those one of Bible series teachings instead of a weekly commtment. His eyes lighted up..like "how come we never thought of that !" ...He said OK ! wow !

I've learn something new...Leaders..don't be rigid. Let the uniqueness or the querkiness of people show..that's what makes people unique and I suppose that's where the "God factor" in people is !

People God made are like works of art. None can replace the other because each is a "work of art".

Luv Edwin

Monday, October 15, 2012

Glorious Ahead of You

Glorious Ahead of You
by Edwin Koh Boon Leng


7 But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, 8 how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? 9 For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. 10 For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. 11 For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious. (2 Cor 3:7-9) 

Blessings, callings and talents though irrevocable does not mature a person. Lets read Psalms 106...we will get a picture for the need of God stating His standards - the Law. 

They soon forgot His works; 
They did not wait for His counsel, 
But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, 
And tested God in the desert. 
And He gave them their request, 
But sent leanness into their soul. (Psalms 106:13-15) 

God had promised and have been providing the needs of the people. Manna in the morning and at twilight, meat (Ex 16:18,12,31). God had been providing without fail and without compromise. For 40 years no complain. However the people's complain came when there's a change of address...a move from one place to another..Their cry was for water (Ex 17:1). Has God been providing meat ? YES. 

But the people complained and cried out for meat, meat just like they had in Egypt ! So God in disgusts sent so much meat for a whole month that had too much of it. After that God struck them down ! 

Many people look at the anger of God and say God is unjust...how many fail to see the meaness and ungratefulness of the people ! ?

As you can see, blessings changes not a man. That's why God sent leanness into man's heart. Leanness is a servant to aid us to come back to truth. Man need to acknowledge God in His heart not just as God but as Lord and recognise it is God who sustains us.

Often time we reject truth and life in God because we do not look into the Word but we depend entirely on another person's version of it. We go from conference to conference, from church to church from versions to versions...and our walk with God is half baked and we are locked in bondage because we receive not the truth that sets us free but we receive commentaries and slogans and we base our lives on them ! 

1. What Grace Is? 

People think Grace makes a man weak and lazy. Grace cheapens what God has done on the cross. First and foremost, grace is not a theology but its the person of Jesus Christ. We have grace because Sin has been judged and condemned. The requirements of the law to give us righteousness came at a price. That price is Jesus Christ - God's only Son on who bore our sins upon Himself because love for us drove Him there...We have grace, because of Jesus Christ. Grace is God's attitude towards us (Jer 29:11)

2. The Law is Not Bad, It Has a Purpose

God set the LAW as a standard as a tutor (Gal 3:24-25). The Law does not cancel out grace because that was not its intended purpose. Grace does not cancel out the Law either. The purpose of the Law is to "confine us all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe" (Gal 3:22). After faith had come, we are no longer under a tutor (Gal 3:25). Without the Law-which is God given- we won't know our need for a Saviour. Without knowing we trangress God and having no way to have life in it, we won't wake up from our drunken stupor ...drunk with sin and rebellion. Without the leanness in our hearts, we won't cry out for WATER !...LIVING WATER ! 


Sin (Rom 1:28) basically is creation rejecting the creator and the creation wanting to play Creator. Man wanting to be god or like god ! Which can never be. 


Without Christ, we are condemned and guilt ridden. Without any way to change and transform. Without Christ there is no possibility of man discovering hope and life again. The price of our sin is unpaid and a warrant is out for our arrests...to be paid when we die. No wonder many people fear death.

Now in knowing this, God sent His only begotten Son to pay our price. To receive our punishment in our place. To fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law. The Law brings death...but in Jesus Christ our redeemer, we have life and life abundantly. His blood that (Heb 9:22) was shed for us, is redemption magnified. 

As Scripture says, when righteousness by faith comes, there's no need for a tutor anymore. Now going back to the original scripture above...if the ministry of condemnation had glory (the law), the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more (the covenant sealed by the blood of Christ). For what is passing away was glorious ( the Law), what remains is much more glorious (our salvation in Christ). 

So salvation is like arriving at the interchange between judgment and redemption. In Redemption thru repentance a new form of life beckons (Gal 2:20-21)..a life lived by the laws of faith. How does faith come ? by hearing (Rom 10:17). You can only hear when you are in Christ. And in Christ...the Holy Spirit brings us forward from glory to glory. ..the ministry of grace is the ministry of the Holy Spirit (Gal 3:8)..the ministry of the Holy Spirit  (Heb 12:28) is governed by the laws of faith. ..sealed by the precious blood of Christ..Jesus did all this because He loved us first. 

So the grace does not set aside the law..but is the fulfillment of the law..Grace is given to us in Jesus Christ...Grace is Jesus Christ personified ! 

With Christ in us, the leaness goes when we acknowledge and walk in Him. Lets welcome the fatness of His life and blessings into our lives. Glorious is ahead of you because Jesus is Jehovah Shammah, He is already there. So have boldness knowing there is no condemnation anymore. In the light of Christ, a prostitute who already accepted judgment and condemnation was what she would receive (John 8), found forgiveness and the turning point in her life. In the light of Christ, many have been healed, released and delivered with immediate results. Why wait anymore ? Jesus is here right now.

With this knowledge, Lets come to Christ boldly.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why Do I Still Need To Ask ?


Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. (Mt 6:8)

I used to struggle alot in prayer because I used to worry soooo much. I would think why God made prayer so difficult that I have to mention every single item in random that I need His help?
It used to wear me out. Not God but Christian demands and methods. 

Thank God, He has brought me into His rest..Jesus is my rest. He is my righteousness. Many many times in my life, He has brought much blessings and breakthroughs and stuff into my life...even without me asking. 

So many times He has led me to places and to people to enjoy till my hearts delight. I've come to realised, my daddy God knows my every single desire in my heart. He is Father isn't He.
So in the verse above it starts off by telling us to ,"DO NOT BE LIKE THEM..." Scripture is not words on a page by living and breathing revealing God with every single breathe. Scriptures are spirit and life.  So when Jesus tells us to not be like them ? We need to read the verses before this. To not be like them...them refers to the people who pray pray pray for all the wrong reasons with all the wrong attitudes.

Here Jesus tells us, the one you are talking with is PAPA in heaven. Papa knows what you need even before you ask him..PAPA KNOWS ! 

Rest in Him friends.

Luv Edwin Koh

Monday, October 8, 2012

Once Saved Always Saved ?


21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you either. 22 Therefore, consider God’s kindness and severity: severity toward those who have fallen but God’s kindness toward you—if you remain in His kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And even they, if they do not remain in unbelief, will be grafted in, because God has the power to graft them in again. 

28 Regarding the gospel, they are enemies for your advantage, but regarding election, they are loved because of the patriarchs, 29 since God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable. (Romans 11:21-22, 28-29)

In the passage in Romans 11, Paul deals with a group of people that are the apple of God's heart ...a people group that God chose to reveal His purpose and plans for humanity.

In this passage comes a very much quoted verse especially by those that preach that when you are saved you will always be saved. Is that so ? That verse is in Romans 11:29 - "since God's gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable". This must include salvation because in salvation lies the fundamental purpose of Jesus Christ in shedding His blood for us. That is to reconcile man to God by removing the curse of sin and death on our lives. 

Many say the proponents of the Grace Gospel...tend to cheapen what Christ has done on the Cross...and causes Christians to be lazy, complacent and greater sinners than before. This is so if we do not subject ourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Eventhough we have be brought out of the law of sin and death, there is another law at work in us...the law of faith. Now faith can only come when we can hear Him. If we continue in sin, sin is basically living a life where we think we are God. We choose not to acknowledge (Rom 1:28) God as God...we like the prodigal son, pack our bags as live as we like and how we like. Therefore we bear everything for our own survival ! that is sin. Now when we live without acknowledging God's lordship in our lives, faith has no place in us...without the entrance of God's word in us, the Holy Spirit has nothing to improve us with ! So grace is only grace when the Holy Spirit is LORD of us.

So what does salvation being irrevocable mean ?. Jesus going to the cross and giving His life for us...now that cannot be repeated nor deleted. Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly cannot be repeated nor deleted. In fact Jesus cried out on the cross "IT IS FINISHED !". In Hebrews 10, it says Jesus offered His life and He sat down !..When someone sits down after work is done..means work is done !

So Salvation and everything Jesus has done and is for us is irrevocable. When the prodigal son left His father's home, the Father's home was still standing. The Father was still in existent. The son CHOSED to leave. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Him in us is irrevocable.

And when we continue to be in the goodness and kindness of God, all that is Christ is yours ! Irrevocable. It is not Christ that will leave you...but salvation in us is lost when we choose not to belief and walk away from the Lord.

Otherwise salvation can never be lost. Keep walking in the Spirit and be governed by HIs word. 

Luv Edwin

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

When You First Don't Succeed...


5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. (Luke 5:5-7)

When we first don't succeed, try and try again is a formula for failure. Because if you ever want different results from the result you've already got, it is not try and try again..It is "when we first don't succeed make changes and then try again".

Jesus in the center of your lives will begin to see change and increase in your lives. Increase is not so we can live a comfortable and luxurious lives..full of selfish extravagant indulgence. Increase comes into our lives so that we can begin to help others increase as well 
(see verse 7).

Increase will overflow your boat forever even as you are helping others, your boat will not be in lack but will always overflow. This is because God will always supply seed for the sower...Be a giver...be a generous giver !

Jesus told them to make changes. Go and fish according to His word and wisdom. Its not just about location, or product, or methods..its all about listening to Him directing and leading you. Jesus told them to go fish because fishes comes out at His command and wisdom !

Go deep...is to wait longer, pray more, fast more, be patient more..

Jesus is our more than enough !

Information introduces you to change..does not cause change..JEsus will bring change and when we want to change...we will change !

So one of the greatest lesson of life I've ever learnt is this..."Learn to Listen"

Luv Edwin 19/6/12

Jesus is.


Acts 4:12 -“And there is no salvation in any other man, for there is no other name under Heaven given to the children of men by which it is necessary to receive life.”

I always wondered where does one find peace in religion and a hope that is secure where there it is dependent on what I do and don't do to achieve it.

While walking to the coffee shop to "tapau" lunch for my wife and kids...we are totally exhausted from an adventure that cut short our "holiday" and led us to the hospital. My youngest boy had breathing difficulties that forced us to hop-off our express bus and rush to hospital. Thank God Jesus is fully in control and he is on the express way to complete healing.

Usually such dramatic and jarring situations, takes alot out of me...but its moments like this I ask God questions that starts with "why". As always in difficult situations He has something for me to know. So this is what He said to me...

"When salvation is self-dependent, people become desperate and angry because they know, to be good enough for heaven is impossible". Not even the best of charitable righteous living can ever get us into heaven. Frankly speaking man's actions are not always rooted in the best motives and intentions. Romans 1:28, " Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done"

Sin is not what we do or don't do. Sin is trying to be god or play god. Sin is as Romans 1:28 tells us, not acknowledging God in our lives. Sin is taking ownership of our lives and living it our own way and methods that rightfully is not ours to have and do. Lying, cheating, murder and all the bad stuff people do...all the evil intentions in our hearts etc is the fruits of self righteousness and self deception. Since God is the sole giver of life, living without God ..will lead us to death.

I really thank God He gave us His only Son to break the curse of sin and bring us back to Him. Jesus is the only way, truth and life. In the scripture verses below, we will see what happens when man takes over.

(Mt 21:12-15)

12Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13“It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’but you are making it a ‘den of robbers.’”

14The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them. 15But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, “Hosanna to the Son of David,”
 they were indignant.

When Jesus is no longer the center of our lives, our Churches, our families...this is what happens. Do you know why they were selling doves in the temple ?..Doves are a symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit. Both were non existent when Jesus is not in the center but kept out of His temple.

To compensate for lost of light and abundant life, people compensate it with worldly living. Programs, events, all kinds of activities. Those things are good..but if Jesus is not in the center of our lives, what good can they bring to our lives ?

The moment, Jesus entered into the temple...he drove all this things out ! Holiness is symbolised usually by fire. When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, the dross will be burnt and consumed. Fire also brings light...light will expose the dirt. Fire will also prepare us to be sanctuaries of worship. When people worship Jesus, He will draw all men onto Himself..That's where we will see miracles again !

Luv Edwin Koh 19/6/12

Monday, June 11, 2012

Kingdom Ways-Di-Vision

Kingdom Ways 

5 But Lot, who went with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents.

6 Now the land was not able to nourish and support them so they could dwell together, for their possessions were too great for them to live together.

7 And there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s cattle and the herdsmen of Lot’s cattle. And the Canaanite and the Perizzite were dwelling then in the land [making fodder more difficult to obtain].

8 So Abram said to Lot, Let there be no strife, I beg of you, between you and me, or between your herdsmen and my herdsmen, for we are relatives.

9 Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself, I beg of you, from me. If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if you choose the right hand, then I will go to the left.

10 And Lot looked and saw that everywhere the Jordan Valley was well watered. Before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, [it was all] like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, as you go to Zoar.

11 Then Lot chose for himself all the Jordan Valley and [he] traveled east. So they separated. 
(Gen 13:5-11)

A couple of things we can learn from this passage of Scripture about Kingdom principles and processes.

1. (Verse 6), Sometimes two are not meant to be together. This is especially when each has chosen different pathways to go. God did tell Abraham to leave it all behind and follow Him. However Abraham brought everyone along with him. We can say this is Abraham's fault. Sometimes we have to let go of emotional attachments and sentimentality to pursue that which is of God. God's blessings for you is meant for you. God will give people for your life and place people that will walk with you and help you build. That can only happen when those that are not meant to be there with you, are taken away.

2. (Verse 10), Lot in hebrew is to be veiled. His sight is blurred and handicapped. This is especially true of us before we know Jesus as our Savior. When we were living in Sin, our eyes are veiled. All we saw was our own needs for survival. We lived not for others..definitely not to give..But to Get and to take. When we live like this...we live in poverty. When we don't have enough, we start blaming others. We are always about ourselves. Just like Lot (verse 11), "Lot chose for himself".

Sin is not what we do or don't do. Sin is living this life as though we are god. We do not acknowledge God as God in our lives. When we take control of our lives, we live in toil and snares. Never having enough. Never getting enough. Never giving..never sharing. Its all about me me me..Thinking stuff makes me. When we repent and come to Christ, living by faith..God takes us above and beyond this world's standard.

How many today will live for Christ and be ridiculed because they live for Christ. How many willing to suffer to Christ. How many willing to bear it all? There's a price to pay.

Many preached carrying the cross a burden. However the real burden is trying to save our lives that eventually we will lose. Bearing the cross , our lives in Christ is our hope of glory its a route of blessing and joy ! Yes there will be challenges, but the blessings of knowing Jesus far outweighs it all !

Lot chosed the "best"..the best eventually not good at all. Abraham took what was given to him, eventually ended up be blessed and us too !

Always choose God's way and not my way...Make decisions that will benefit GOd's call on your life and not decisions to gain more stuff. When you seek God's kingdom first (Mt 6:33), and His righteousness (walking in Jesus' word, He justifies you and clears you for the road ahead), He will add all things to you.

Live by faith !


Edwin Koh (c) 12/6/12

Friday, June 8, 2012

2 Years Ago...

2 Years Ago...

We have been on the pioneering and pastoring for the past 10 years. All I can say is, its all Jesus, past, present and future. 

2 years ago (2011), we wanted to give-up church planting, walk away from Johor Bahru and said to God take us anywhere else except JB. We were ready to leave it all behind and go. Why ? Church planting and pastoring without following Jesus through and through was like walking in hell on earth. We had no idea how to deal with all the complexities not of ministries but people and the issues they bring with them.

I admit I made mistakes in decisions and had no patience in waiting on God and allowing Him into the lead and control of it all. Had no wisdom in dealing with people and managing my own reactions and how deep I allowed hurts to go deep. People also said having the wrong people makes it harder to build any church...but today whatever you say, Church is about people..and people as people are ...just like me...imperfect. Today I say to my family at Word of Life, we re a Church of equals..everyone has a past, and imperfect it was..today all of us stand before God, because of what Jesus has done and His blood that was shed for us.

It was that time...2 years ago, God asked me this..."Do you still want to do this ?". I knew in my heart, the pain and hurts were so real, but the call was still there..but how ?..However, I said Yes Lord. That was the moment, God miraculously lifted the "daggers" in my heart. He then said this..."Now, do it MY way, no longer your way."

This time, we've learnt to wait and not rush ahead. We've learn to let Jesus walk us through it all. The only thing we do alot is ...PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY ! Why not ! ...nothing else worked in the past...handing out flyers, cell groups, and all kinds all kinds of programs..nothing worked..so instead of trying so hard..put all the strength and effort in what works the most...in PRAYER ! Instead of trying to be god...Let God be God !

Today, Jesus is truly the one that builds this Church. We don't have cell groups or any other meetings..The only thing other than Sunday Services, is our corporate prayer meeting with our family that comes from Faith Methodist Church. Even in the prayer meetings...this is the policy...no other agenda..but His ..only His !

So let God be God !

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More Posts from Facebook and Twitter

More Posts from Facebook and Twitter


1. Tough journey, but Jesus will keep walking with us as we walk through.

2. Complaining and murmuring only reaffirms the reality of going forward..but faith see that reality of challenges and difficulties but its no longer you or about you..but our Lord God, Jesus who has gone before to give you the victory for His purpose alone.

3. Faith is not a rose tinted glass that denies facts and reality..it gives you victory as you serve God's purpose and walk in His leadings.

4.inaction breeds complacency and fear is birth...action in faith destroys limitations and inspite of fear, Jesus brings you forward..

5. In fear, I saw nothing ...In faith Jesus sees me in Him.

6. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and 
self-discipline. (2 Cor 1:7)

7. pray pray pray...waiting on HIm...not a burden..carrying our cross is not a burden..the only burden is if we try to save our own lives.

1. So much that has complicate the simple message of the cross..When you see Jesus, its not theology that matters...its the message of the cross..the Gospel of Christ that matters. 
(1 Cor 1:18)

2. When all is said and done, and when we come back to the heart of Worship - JEsus in the center, all that matters then is the Cross ...that old empty cross that once hung my Lord and God ! but today an empty cross ! BEcause Jesus is alive !

1. Don't be a burden to others..learn to be a blessing instead.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Living Life with Purpose - Capacity Increase

Living Life with Purpose - Capacity Increase
A Sermon Preached on 27/5/12 at Word of Life, Johor Bahru.

In the parable of sower (Mt 13), the sower goes out into the ONE SAME field to sow seeds. The seeds as we know it, some fell by the wayside, and others on stony, thorny and good ground. For so long we always thought the type of ground determines what kind of ground we are. On the contrary it is the type of growth (character, personality) that determines the type of ground, or what we live by, standing on. Are we standing in Jesus on standing in sinking sand ?

We know that the moment we believe in Jesus and begin to raise-up the faith antennae, He begins His work of transforming us into His image. This is when the ground type will show. Because when His word enters us, we will either resists, have no desire for it, or receive it but forget later or want it but no capacity to follow Him.

The best thing to know here is, JEsus never judged you. Remember He sowed His word on EVERY ground type. We also know that HIs word is powerful and never returns to Him word. Given time and the right moment, His word will take effect in us ! You need to know Jesus loves you so !

So what grows capacity, our capacity...what turns us into new wineskins ? Is there something we must do ? I know alot and I was like this trying and trying to be "holy" and "righteous". Trying to be His disciple. Trying to well the word is "perform". I love Jesus dearly...but the approach is wrong.

Why ? because there's nothing I can do. I am not God ! Jesus is God ! This was where God refresh what redemption means and who Jesus is as my redeemer.

God brought me back to Abraham and Isaac on Mt Moriah. God told Abraham, to bring "his son, his only son". Did you know Abraham did not have 1 child..He actually had 2..Remember Ishmael ?. So what did God mean here ? To read that Isaac carrying the wood on his back is a picture of Jesus bearing His cross to golgotha !. God is telling us not Isaac..but Jesus !

Many people preach and say OH YOU NEED TO GIVE UP YOUR ISAAC ! ...Abraham did not give up Isaac, but he gave in to GOd ! Abraham did say that "they would return" ..Abraham also did say to Isaac, "God Himself will provide an offering for Himself (Gen 22:8). I think Abraham's faith in His master, help him understand God's purpose.

God don't want you to give up anything ..that is religion. Religion always demands demands demands..that is the Law. Telling you, you are a sinner but providing no solution to the problem. How many people are sin conscious ..not wonder they keep falling...We should be God conscious..When we come face to face with JEsus and dwell in His presence, He alone transforms us ! He alone increases capacity ...how with HIs love. When you know you are loved , love transforms you and causes you to be and do stuff that you never thought possible! Abraham never gave up Isaac and God did not want Him to give up Isaac. Many people equate Isaacs to secret sin ! MAN ! Isaac was God's promise to Abraham. God supplied HIs own to Abraham to complete the tasks. ! That is grace. Grace reveals God for who He is and in grace, salvation is found ! Saving redeeming grace !

When you look to Jesus our Redeemer, He took your pain and sin, He was punished and killed for our redemption...He paid a price so high, only the Son of God could pay...He became cursed so that we could be saved and blessed ! He cried out my God, my God why have you forsaken me, so we can cry out my Father, my Father why have you so blessed me!

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the 
knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Pet 1:2)

You see capacity must increase because God wants to drop Spiritual blessings and benefits and purpose into our lives. That takes place when we grow in the knowledge of Jesus our Lord, our God! How ? by dwelling in His presence ! Enjoying and receiving His love every day and moment ! 

God Bless

Edwin Koh B.L (28/5/12)

Capacity does not come by trying to do it yourself...With what God leads us to do, there will always be supply.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Heart Today - What Burdens me today.

My Heart Today - What Burdens me today.

I realised this just recently. always ask God, why people just don't seem to break through...When He revealed how much He loved me..it dawn on me that people just don't know His love...They have been taught to love God..but not about receiving His love. Its amazing to just let God be God..That's why GOd lead us to start this Church..although small in numbers..but honestly it is Jesus that is doing the building...and most importantly touching and refreshing lives.

I still remember the 2 dreams He gave me a long long time ago..the first dream is about hell and how the devil is having a fun time torturing and tormenting people even people alive today..and the second dream was how worn out and tired people are ..even Christians. My wife and I gave-up everything to obey Jesus..to help people discover His love for them..we always believe when people start praying and waiting on God on their own for their own call..Jesus takes over..no need to demand people come to Church or prayer meeting etc..when they know HIs grace and love for them..they will come..That's why we don't force people about offering and tithes..eventhough we teach it..I always tell people..when you know..you will do what is right. Anyways tithing is not about right to do or wrong to do. Just like in Christ..its all about walking with Him and letting Him move through us to impact others too.

Word of Life will always be a house of prayer for ALL nations. And we will always move out of the way so that the Holy Spirit can reveal Jesus to everyone.

However, I feel God is moving us or maybe expanding our influence. It may not just be Word of Life..that's why I felt led to start "Edwin Koh B.L. Ministries". I want to do more to touch others for Christ.

Jesus loved Caroline and me. That's why I know He loves you too. I want to tell you.

Snippets from my Facebook and Twitter posts.


A. About Pastoring
1.God also showed me over the past weeks, how from the pulpit people are bashed, pressured, demanded from, told how they must love God more, put on guilt trips because they don't come to church etc...no wonder..Must unveil Jesus and How much He loves people..not beat people.

2.Church how many people ? It does not matter. If a group of people can pray and move out of His way...God can and will do much much more then HE could ever do with millions that live as though they are god.

B. About Parenting
1. God spoke to me about being a father. He said children turn away from God because dad and moms don't represent Him well in the family...Its time to let His irrevocable favour and love flow into our hearts and then we know how to love.

C. About Him and His Grace and How much He loves You
1. Its not how much you can love God..its not about you. Thank God..because we fail most times..Its about how much JEsus loves you so..you are accepted in the beloved. Thank God..because Jesus never fails...now that is real rest.

2.Jesus has forgiven and purge the aim of sin and errors in our lives - death. No longer do you have to face the result of your past errors..Because JEsus is your redeemer..HE has paid the price for you..so that you don't have to. (1 John 1:9)

3.If JEsus is your redeemer, the errors, the past and the problems do not have legal claim over your life ! BEcause He has paid the highest price with His own life ! and He has broken the curse of sin when HE rose from the dead ! So walk in His righteousness..stop playing God.

4. Jesus is lifting you above and beyond circumstances and situations. When you trust Him, His presence is the glory of your lives..No longer do you depend on earthly things to survive..He is your life and your supply ! Jesus Is ! (Isaiah 60:19-20)

5.The law always needs defending no wonder those trying to defend it always are angry people. In Grace no need..because God shows up strong all the time..no need man's help.

6.Life will always demand more of you..Jesus will always supply all you ever need. SPeak in faith !

7. Sin is not what you do or don't do..Sin is man trying to be god..because man turned his back on God. The guilt of living like that drives people into the right and wrong zone...this is an endless zone ! when we can't work it out..we judge others ..why because man think he is god !

8. Christian was a man made word to describe follower of Jesus Christ..the actual God given purpose for us is Ambassadors of Christ. (2 Cor 5:20)..The actual position for us is more than children..He calls you son and daughter !

D. About Relationships

1. The biggest mistake people make is burning bridges..never take yourself away from God given people and friends..destiny lies there.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Rising of His Sons


6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” 7 Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (Galatians 4:6-7)

If all you got for being in Church is being bound, unable to do anything, unable to live, and the only thing that grips you is fear and intimidation, its time to walk out because Jesus is not there ! Remember when Jesus walk to the temple, what He saw was people doing everything and anything but reverence. People were busy selling and buying. There was one part where people were selling doves too. Doves are symbols of peace. Why do people need to buy doves to let go ? Because there is no peace that Jesus gives ! When people need to manufacture and sell products and buy them to replace what is not within, they lost it !

Being defeated, they become bound into slavery.

That's why Paul refer to people living by the LAW as children. Because children only know one thing... to disobey. The law came in because God wants them to know they have been living apart from God. Sin is not what you do or don't do right or wrong. Sin is turning your backs on God and living this life YOUR WAY !  You see the Law has no way of saving because there's no Saviour in it. Therefore it has no way of bringing anybody into righteousness - RIGHT STANDING in God. 

What is the ministry that brings us into righteousness - right standing with God...it is the work of the Holy Spirit. 

9 If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! (2 Cor 3:8-9)

Righteousness of God that we must seek is the guilt free life that Jesus has given to us in Him. Jesus becomes our righteousness our innocence. Only in Christ we are justified. How do we become right standing- We first rightly believe ! Only the truth will set you free !

So when people still don't believe in Jesus even after saying the sinners prayer...they end up with guilt and condemnation. Intimidation and control is why is applied to them. People become Sin conscious...Law conscious. Because of this, people will keep falling and falling and falling. No matter how many times they repented, they will keep falling.  It is time to STOP ! What is the Gospel that you've been listening too ?

Jesus said 3 magnificient words when He was on the cross ..He said ,"IT IS FINISH". The work to redeem you, the work to that will reconcile sinners to God. All you need to do is step in and believe. Rest in His love.

As SONS, and sons are led by the Spirit of God (Romans 10:17)...they are free from guilt and condemnation. You've been brought into the grace of God. Grace is Jesus' attitude towards you. His favour for you. He makes all things work out for your good ! ..His love and commitment is is passion for YOU ! 

Sons inherit the father's wealth and power. Sons are not law conscious...but Jesus conscious ! Remember the 2 with great faith...the Centurion and the lady that settled for crumbs? They were gentiles..not law conscious and not sin conscious..All they wanted was JESUS CHRIST ! 

Standing-right and standing in Christ is living in the amazing grace of God. Now does this give you the license to sin anytime, because God has forgiven you past, present and future ? Most certainly NOT ! You see we have been redeemed and called into a life in Christ to live it by faith. Faith is not walking apart from God..but walking in God as faith comes by hearing God's voice and Words to You.  The Holy Spirit in you then helps you to live and walk in this grace. 

If you live in Sin and still produce the works of sin...then righteousness is not in you in the first place. Repentance is needed ! You won't inherit God's kingdom no matter how much you seek it if you are walking apart from God. You will only inherit GOd's kingdom when you walk through not apart from God but in Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit ! (See Ezekiel 36)

Jesus is the only way out of this mess of a life even if you have to settle for crumbs ..your eyes is not on yourself or what is given only..but the giver...Jesus..Jehovah Jireh...Jehovah is all !

Jesus's commitment to you is His Holy Spirit given to you ! ..the Spirit that raised Him up from the dead will too raise you up and lift you above and beyond !

Begin to go deeper friends. Let to let the Holy Spirit draw you into intimacy with Him and His word !

He is going to change your destiny and fruits today !


Monday, February 20, 2012

Asking for It ?

Asking For It

14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 15 See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up
to cause trouble and defile many. 
(Heb 12:14-15)

When Jesus was on the cross, He said 7 things that I think its worth listening to and understanding it. It will change your life and attitude towards relationships especially between us and God and between people. You may disagree with me but can I say that I think, alot of negative reactions non-christians have towards the Church and Christians today is something that is self-inflicted. Christians have been over bearing, condensending and insensitive to the feelings of others. When sharing about Jesus to others, we have ignored the spatiality and have disrespect other view points and values.

At this point of time, we are on the cross roads of life. We often reach this point in our walk in God and I believe this are moments we need to take stock of our actions, speech, values..we need to examine ourselves first. The only thing we do when we are at the cross-roads of life..is to apply the cross on our wrong priorities, misplace judgments, etc and die to self !.

So lets see what did Jesus say and we will know how to respond when we are standing at the cross roads of life.

So the 7 things that Jesus said when He was on the cross 

1) "...It is finished!" John 19:30 (NIV)
When Jesus was on the cross, He cried out loudly that "it is finished". He declared that through His own sacrifice, the curse of SIN has been destroyed. He declared that the condemnation of Satan is everlasting. He declared that His sacrifice for us...He is the propitiation of our lives back to God ! What does this mean to us ? It means that in our journey to succeed, to significance begins with dying to self. Most of the time, a new beginning only is birth when the old passes away.  Isaiah declared,  "
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. "  The moment pride dies, the moment we stop trying to play God, we will see God. Only in Holiness, we will see God. Only when our character shines with Jesus, only then will people see Jesus in us. The power of Christ is in You. Because JEsus is in You...and that power is waiting to be unleash ! LET GO !

2) "...My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46 (NIV)
At the cross roads of life, sometimes God let us go through desert moments. It is as though nobody cares. Nobody bothers. Forgotten ? Eventhough it feels that way, it is far from the truth. God is always faithful to you. It is just that we fix our eyes on the wrong refuge. 

4 Look and see, there is no one at my right hand; 
   no one is concerned for me. 
I have no refuge; 
   no one cares for my life.

 5 I cry to you, LORD; 
   I say, “You are my refuge, 
   my portion in the land of the living.” (Psalms 142:4-5)

At times God will allow us to feel forsaken because your eyes are on things and people that cannot lift us and deliver us. He wants you have the right focus in life...Looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith 
(Heb 12:1)

3) "...Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing..." Luke 23:34 (NIV)

When Jesus was on the cross, in pain, in struggle against the ridicule of the crowds of people. His life slowly slipping away, what did He do ? Would you forgive those that don't even think they need to be forgiven ? Would you be loving while you are in pain ? Would you still have compassion on people eventhough your know how fickle and evil people can be ? . I asked God one day, why is it so painful when people decided to stop coming to church ? All Jesus said to me was this.."THIS IS HOW I FELT on the Cross..This is How I feel when people turn their backs on Me". Yet Jesus said, forgive them. He chose to not let bitterness set in. Bitterness and offenses is NUMBER 1 tool that the enemy uses to drag you out of the grace of God !. Jesus set the standard for us. Forgive and keep on loving. Hard to do..I can't do this..That's why we need to die to self !

4) "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43 (NIV)

If Jesus did not walk through His calling and purpose on earth, He would not be able to bring us through it too. On the cross roads of our lives, we need to grit our teeth and praise God through it all. We need to keep the faith and keep walking through. It is guaranteed that you will come out better than before. In the midst of the mess, it is God's guarantee that He is working all things out for your good !...You love Him don't you ? You are called by Him right ?. So keep it. Because when you walk through, you can bring others through it too ! You will have the skill to help others reach Jesus too ! You will be able to coach others to overcome in Chris too !

5) "...Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.." Luke 23:46 (NIV)
Giving up to God is not giving in. Faith and trust is two different things. Faith comes by listening to the voice of God. It is doing what God said to do. If God said to wait..and you wait..it is because of faith too. Trust on the other hand is not faith. Trust is LETTING GO and LETTING GOD. 
It can be hard to decide when in life to trust and when to have faith when trust is letting go and faith is fighting on.Jesus' submission on the cross was both. He trusted God enough to allow His own death but had faith that God's plan was being fulfilled. When only God can fulfill the vision, we need to allow the death of our own will, in order for Him to do it.

6) "Woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." John 19:26-27 (NIV)

On the cross, Jesus considered those He left behind. How great is that ! This is how we gain compassion. Many people give when it is convenient and whenever they have. Learn to go into God and draw all that is needed to see people be blessed ! Our live is not just our own. We are not our own. Time to transfer ownership of our lives back to Jesus.

7) "...I am thirsty." John 19:28 (NIV)

Finally, we are 10% our own effort. 90% is found in our relating to others. As much as we do not depend on others for life, we need people as in relating and in connecting with others, we will discover our purpose and our talents and abilities are deployed effectively to aid others too ! In giving, we receive and am blessed ! Sow and receive !

We need to change !

Sunday, February 19, 2012


FAITH AND TRUST - 2 Different Things.

When God's word and will crosses ours that's where commitment needs to reveal itself in submission. Giving in to God is not giving-up ! Giving in to Jesus, is Jesus giving fully to us! Jesus has proven His love and faithfulness to us over and over again..Its time for us to prove our worth to Him..time to let go and just TRUST HIM. Trust and faith is not always the same thing. Faith is you obeying God and produces an action..Trust is knowing you cannot..so you give-up but give in to the power of the Holy SPirit to see you through ! In every generation, Jesus is always looking for people that will trust Him and walk with Him even if none will follow them.

I heard some people call me a man of faith. Faith is not about getting that mercedes benz. Faith is about living for Him and to Him alone. It is about waiting upon Him and acting upon His commands spoken and written. Even if none go with me, I still will follow. That is what walking in faith is about. Trusting Jesus in walking in faith, is the need to let go of the mercedes benz's so that He can lead you and bring you forward and add into your life what He wants you to have !

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Relationships - Man and God.

RELATIONSHIPS (1 out of 4 Series) - Man and God 

Man are capable of lying through their teeth and doing all kinds of wrong yet goes all the way to conceal the secret. This is what we call secret sins. Out of sight, out of mind ? Oh ! that's what David thought. Having an illicit affair with Uriah's wife while Uriah was in battle. To cover-up his failure and shame, he made sure Uriah would be killed in the next battle..not by him but by his enemies. This is something God was furious with too as seen in 2 Samuel 12:9, "slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon". Having God's righteous people killed by His own enemy. Shame double shame ! As far as David was concern, nobody knows about his affair the better !

However, men cannot see...but we often forget that God is far from being fooled by men's wickedness ! Prophet Nathan told a story about how a prosperous man robbed a man who had not much. In this David became furious at the injustice in the report told him.

In 2 Sam 12:5-6, you see how God judges the fruit of sin. (1) He examines the way unjustice and unrighteousness is metted out in relationships...to people. Holiness in God is who God is. God is perfect in relating to all of life. Whereas man is not.

5And David's anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As the LORD liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die: 6And he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity. 
(2 Sam 12:5-6, KVJ)

Remember what SIN is. Sin is not just the things we do or don't do. It is turning our backs to the light, to God and walking away from Him. Declaring we are God and He is not. Declaring, "Hey Lord, my life...out of bounds to You !".

Secondly (2), why God is so angry at Sin is because (2 sam 12:8-9) whenever God comes into our lives and blesses us..His goodness in us carries His name and Himself into our lives. Why we often hear non-Christians saying, "I thought Christians cannot do that"..It is because the world recognises the Children of God. They say that because we are not living right in God ! and His ways are not found in us especially in dealing with relationships. People know we are children of God because there's an aroma that flows from us, the fragrance of Christ that is unfounded in non-Christians !.

Thirdly (3), in 2 Sam 12:14, "14Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die".
Sin in us shames the Lord !

When found out, how would you respond ? Would you respond, "OH LORD I'VE SINNED. PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY CAR AWAY..OH LORD PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY STUFF AWAY!".
David responded rightly in Psalms 51:11 " 11Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me". Lord You are all I got ! without YOU I am nothing Lord !

Every Christian that loves God knows that when they've done something wrong, we've grieved the Holy Spirit and as though the heavens have departed from us, the presence of God is just not with us ! I don't know how live can be lived without Him anymore !


Saturday, February 4, 2012



Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,
On those who hope in His mercy,
To deliver their soul from death,
And to keep them alive in famine.(Psalms 33:18-19)

Have you ever been in pressurising situations that needs a miracle. You have prayed and you have cried. You have called-upon and bind and cast ! Yet all God says is...its coming...its going to happen..He will set you free !

You see in dark moments is where hope is strengthen. There's nothing with your faith. Stop running yourself down. Nothing wrong with You. God is at work and His timing is perfectly right. In Hope, you will realise who is boss. Not the pressure maker, not the debt collectors ! HEY ! not even You..Who is Boss in the life..its JESUS CHRIST !

In Him was Life and the Life was the Light of Man

  What does it mean that Jesus was the light of man? I asked God yesterday (21/1/21).  There is only 2 points to interpret Scripture as fou...